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Mais comum Unidade 10: Specialty fabric forming technologies: nonwoven technologies: 2D nonwovens technologies €10 Compre apenas esta unidade (vídeo)! Unidade 10: Specialty fabric forming technologies: nonwoven technologies: 2D nonwovens technologies Veja esta unidade (vídeo)! |
Mais comum Módulo 6: Advanced Fibrous Structures for Composite Materials, Technical Textiles and other Technical Application €180 Compre o módulo completo com 10% de desconto! Este módulo inclui as seguintes unidades (vídeos): Unidade 1: Introduction Unidade 2: Basic 2D structures and DOS (directionally oriented structures) Unidade 3: 3D woven structures Unidade 4: 3D knitted structures, braded structures and hybrid structures Unidade 5: Specialty fabric forming technologies: weaving technologies Unidade 6: Specialty fabric forming technologies: knitting technologies Unidade 7: Specialty fabric forming technologies: braiding technologies Unidade 8: Properties of advanced fibrous structures Unidade 9: Applications of advanced fibrous structures in aerospace engineering Unidade 10: Specialty fabric forming technologies: nonwoven technologies: 2D nonwovens technologies Unidade 11: Specialty fabric forming technologies: nonwoven technologies: nonwoven nano web technologies Unidade 12: Specialty fabric forming technologies: nonwoven technologies: 3D technologies and the future Unidade 13: Advanced fibrous structures in technical applications: introduction and structural components Unidade 14: Advanced fibrous structures in technical applications: construction industry and geosynthetics Unidade 15: Advanced fibrous structures in technical applications: tensile surface structures and nano web applications Unidade 16: Advanced fibrous structures in technical applications: space and aerospace industries Unidade 17: Advanced fibrous structures in technical applications: personal protection and the protection of goods Unidade 18: Advanced fibrous structures in technical applications: automotive Unidade 19: Advanced fibrous structures in technical applications: medical Unidade 20: Advanced fibrous structures in technical applications: sports and the future Veja este módulo! |